Spring 2023
I begin by extending warm greetings for 2023, and hope the Blue Bird of Happiness has landed on your doorstep singing - Spring is Here! Spring is here! Get out and enjoy it! My husband has already seen his first Robin, surely this heralds spring is at hand.
Since this has been Wisconsin’s third warmest winter on record, I’m guessing you’ve kept busy. But I am hopeful you are ready to schedule a few additional adventures a little further from home. In April we are just going to have some fun. In May we head to Chicago. The end of May and early June we travel up toward Stillwater, Minnesota, come back down the west side of Wisconsin to La Crosse, then back home. During our four days and three nights we have a beer, enjoy a little wine, spend some time on the water and visit several places I expect you haven’t visited. Look for a separate brochure containing complete details.
As we ramp-up travel this spring, I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who traveled with me in 2022. Think about how many people stayed employed because you enjoyed a day away? From the food truck driver to the cook and waitress, from the actor and theater staff to the bus company and our fabulous driver Michael, or the employees at every shop we stopped at - you helped keep our local economy moving. So on their behalf, as well as mine, thank you for joining me. Hopefully you can do the same in 2023!
My continued appreciation to those who share my brochure with family and friends. The more the merrier!