2024Year in Review …

What a jam-packed year to be sure! Our theater season began with “Funny Girl” at the Marcus PAC in January (which followed a blizzard in which many lost power for days), and ended with “Christmas with the King” at the Marriot Lincolnshire. We experienced beautiful music, amazing dancing and great theater. I would have to say my favorite walking trip was in October with the Splash of Cranberry tour. There were four extended travel opportunities offered in 2024. The Tulip Festival in Holland, Michigan in May, LaCrosse/Cashton in June, Shipshewana in October and the Christkindl Market in Door County in November. Delicious food, memorable conversations and a few souvenirs were acquired. In the midst of all that I facilitated a three-day festival in July for the City of New Berlin and enjoyed my daughters wedding in September. Whew…

A sincere and special expression of appreciation to Michael, our fabulous Badger Bus Driver. He is the gold-standard and a great guy. Thank you Michael!

2023 …

Highlights for 2023 include a phenomenal trip to Stillwater, Minnesota in June where we enjoyed dinner on a boat and a train, a spectacular hike to view the waterfall at the Willow Falls State Park. Much shopping was done by all! To the point where Michael stated that we needed to STOP shopping! The bus was full! I also enjoyed our day in New Glarus, Wisconsin and tour of the Cave of the Mounds in Bluemounds, Wisconsin.

2022 …

Highlights for me in 2022 include seeing Carol Burnett on stage at the Riverside; “Ain’t Too Proud”, the story of the Temptations, at the Marcus; believe or not, “Barefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen” aboard the Celebration Belle (I had so much fun dancing with Alice and Markey); and our extended trips to Door County and Shipshewana in September.

2020 & 2021 …

If you remember March of 2020 began what I refer to as the covid shut-down. Group travel was frowned upon. I remember exactly where I was when the announcement was made - the Overture Center in Madison enjoying “Wicked” with the STCWC group. What began as a six week pause, turned out to be much longer. As did others, I tried to keep busy catching up on projects around the house. I did enjoy having three of my four children at home to occupy my attention. I did walk outdoors with friends and I was able to return slowly to travel in August of 2021.

2019 and before …

2012 began a new chapter in my life. With encouragement and counsel I began Join Polly’s Jaunts. Those first trips included a boat ride in Horicon Marsh and one of my favorite productions - “The Cudahy Christmas Carolers” was hilarious! 2013 I began traveling with the St. Mary’s Young at Heart and teamed up with Richard Dawley as our docent for several Amish tours over the years. I saw “Lion King” for the first time. A spectacular visual overload. The UW Madison Spring Band Concert and a connection with Ken and Barb Wardius came in 2014. 2015 included “Winter Dance Party”, the story of Buddy Holly’s winter concert in Wisconsin, “Guys on Ice” and “Jersey Boys”. 2016 “Singing in the Rain” was amazing! How did they get it to rain on stage? And I began working with the Senior Travel Club of Walworth County. Honestly, I can share each groups destination monthly for 2017 through 2024. Some amazing theater productions. Wonderful food and conversation. But what I truly remember are the individuals. People who have traveled with me, supported me and facilitated events since 2002. Don and Elaine Benz have since passed. Shirley Kaminski has moved down south to enjoy her daughter. Phyllis Kirshenlore, Shirley Pliska. Ken and Kathy Knitter, Kathy still travels with me and has introduced me to her friends Cheryl and Carol who now travel with me and have also brought their daughters and friends. The story never ends. It continues to grow with new connections, new friendships made, meaningful conversations and impactful revelations. Many times just laughter!!! Again, I invite you to join our travels and add some meaning, some joy to your life journey as well …